

Beta-carotene has two important functions in the body: It functions as an antioxidant, protecting cells against damage, and it can be converted to Vitamin A (retinol), critical to maintaining skin and eye health.

Without beta-carotene, our bodies are unable to manufacture Vitamin A. And without sufficient Vitamin A, nearly all of our systems are at risk, including lungs, kidneys and immune function. Research shows that people who consume the necessary levels of beta-carotene are able to lower their risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, macular degeneration, and other age-related diseases.

You can get beta-carotene from a variety of foods:

  • Apricots
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Yam/Sweet Potato
  • Spinach
  • Kale

The National Institutes of Health recommends a daily intake of 3,000 IU for adult men and 2,310 IU for adult women. For children, amounts vary according to age. While beta-carotene deficiency is rare in most industrialized countries, it can be difficult getting the recommended levels simply from food. That's where supplements come in. In consult with your healthcare practitioner, design a plan that meets your individual needs. You may want to consider a supplement with a mixture of carotenoids, including beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin.

It's possible to take too much beta-carotene. This is usually indicated by a yellowing of the skin, palms or soles and is known as carotenemia. Once consumption of beta carotene is reduced, this yellowing fades over time. As always, your best outcomes are achieved when working closely with Dr. Bossio or your healthcare practitioner.

Image Attribution: Inga Nielsen/


Rose Hips for Wellness

rose hips

There's nothing like a rose to stimulate feelings of wellbeing. And nothing quite like rose hip - the actual fruit of a rose - to enhance health and promote wellness.

Of all the roses, the beautiful Wild Dog Rose is the type most often cultivated for their hips. Once the flower has bloomed, and all the petals have fallen off, the hip is picked and used in a range of herbal preparations. Rose hips contain a variety of antioxidants (especially Vitamin C), Vitamin A, carotenoids, and other plant compounds that are recognized for their role in preventing degenerative disease, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Many natural health practitioners use rose hip to treat wounds and inflammation. Rose hip oil is commonly used in cosmetics as it has the ability to revitalize skin cells. It has been used to treat scars, acne and burns. In Germany, rose hip powder (capsule) has been used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Herbalists have long used rose hip tea to ease constipation and as a supplement to treat a cold.

Rose hip pulp can be incorporated into sauces or made into a jelly. Standardized extracts are also available in capsules. Always check with Dr. Bossio or your wellness practitioner before using any herbal remedy.

Image Attribution: Anna21/




Peppermint is a potent herb that is a good source of Vitamin A, Manganese and Vitamin C. Clinical research shows that is can be used as a digestive aid. The compounds in peppermint have a calming effect on smooth muscles such as the intestines, which can sooth spasms that aggravate Irritable Bowel Syndrome and cause indigestion. The phytonutrients have also been shown to inhibit cancer growth in pancreatic, mammary, and liver cells. Peppermint oil has antimicrobial properties that can be used to fight bacteria strains such as salmonella and MRSA. It is best to consume mint leaves fresh from the plant. Skip the dry form of the herb such as those found in teas, and instead choose fresh sprigs from the local farmers market or your own garden that are vivid green with no yellow or brown spots on the leaves. To incorporate more peppermint in your diet:

  • sip hot tea made from the leaves
  • add a few sprigs to your sun tea or seltzer water
  • freeze into ice cubes to add flavor to your water
  • enhance your fresh fruit salads with crushed mint
  • add to soups or gazpachos
  • chew on the leaves like gum
  • make some homemade peppermint ice cream

Image Attribution: haiinee/


Go Wild with Dandelion Greens

Go Wild with Dandelion Greens

dandelion greens

You might not want dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) dappled across your lawn, but you definitely want to make them a part your healthy diet. For centuries, the sunny yellow dandelion, its greens and roots, has been embraced across cultures for its culinary and medicinal uses.

Dandelion roots contain several compounds beneficial to health, one of which is bitter taraxacin, which stimulates digestion. The leaves are rich in potassium, antioxidants such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and several B vitamins.

Dandelion helps filter waste products from the bloodstream. In many cultures it has been used as a liver tonic, diuretic, and digestive aid. Herbalists have used dandelion to treat jaundice, cirrhosis and liver dysfunction. Preliminary research suggests dandelion may even strengthen liver and gallbladder function.

All parts of the dandelion are edible. The bittersweet roots may be eaten raw, steamed or dried, roasted and ground for a coffee substitute. The flowers are commonly used to make wine and jam. Dandelion greens can be eaten steamed, boiled, sauteed, braised or raw in salads.

Try adding dandelion greens to:

  • quiche, omelette
  • pesto
  • sauce such as garlic & olive oil
  • dips
  • seafood soup
  • sauteed vegetables
  • to replace some of the kale in a green smoothie
  • stuffing

Dandelion packs as much power in its flavor as it does in its nutrition. It can quickly overpower more delicate herbs and flavors-a little goes a long way.

When harvesting dandelion, especially for salad, take greens from young and tender plants, before the first flower emerges. Greens from older plants will be larger, but also tougher and more bitter. Older leaves are better suited for cooking. At the grocery store, look for organic dandelion with vibrant green color.

Image Attribution: 13-Smile/


Sweet Potato

sweet potato

Sweet Potato is a powerhouse of nutrition. This vibrant orange tuber is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and blood sugar-regulating nutrients. The antioxidant Beta-carotene, which gives Sweet Potato its orange flesh, is necessary for your body to produce Vitamin A. We need vitamin A for eye health, for a strong immune system, and for healthy skin. One medium Sweet Potato provides 100% of your daily needs for Vitamin A, as well as a healthy dose of vitamin C, several of the B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin E.

Some research has shown that, as antioxidants from Sweet Potato (called cyanidins and peonidins) and other phytonutrients pass through the digestive tract, they act in ways that may lower the health risk posed by heavy metals. Scientists are also studying the anti-inflammatory nutrients (anthocyanin) contained in purple Sweet Potatoes, which may provide protection against certain types of cancer. Sweet Potatoes also have a fascinating ability to potentially improve blood sugar regulation. Researchers are interested in determining what effect this may have on Type-2 Diabetes. High in fiber, including Sweet Potato in your diet can promote regularity of the bowels and healthy digestive function.

You can enjoy Sweet Potato as a main course, side dish, in soups, or in desserts. When shopping for these versatile veggies, remember that Yams are not the same as Sweet Potatoes. The two are not in the same "food family" and each has a different nutrient profile. Yams are usually imported from Africa or Asia, whereas the Sweet Potato is grown abundantly in the U.S. Finally, Sweet Potato color, both flesh and skin, can range from white to yellow-orange to brown or purple. There also are "firm" or "soft" varieties, which can make a difference in your cooking

Image Attribution: tashka2000/



From Shakespeare's reference to "pumpion" in The Merry Wives of Windsor to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, pumpkin is woven into the fabric of history and cuisine. Native Americans roasted long strips of pumpkin over an open flame and ate them. Colonists made pumpkin pie by slicing off the pumpkin top; removing the seeds; filling the rind with milk, spices, and honey; and then baking the pumpkin over hot ashes. And we all know pumpkin transforms into Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween decor. Today, we appreciate pumpkin not just for culinary traditions, but also for its abundance of nutrients and versatility in healthy meal preparation, such as soufflés, soups, bread, jam, butter, and desserts.

A member of the Cucurbitaceae family of vegetables (along with cucumber and squash), pumpkin is cultivated around the world for both its fleshy vibrant orange meat and seeds. It is a naturally low calorie (49 calories per one cup serving), yet filling food that offers the following health benefits:

Health Benefits

  • Pumpkin contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. It is rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and many antioxidant vitamins, including A, C, and E.
  • It is also an excellent source of many natural polyphenolic flavonoid compounds such as beta-carotenes, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Carotenes convert into vitamin A inside the body. Zeaxanthin is a natural antioxidant that may offer protection from age-related macular disease.
  • Pumpkin is a good source of the B-complex group of vitamins including niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid.
  • It is a rich source of copper, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • Pumpkin seeds provide dietary fiber and pack a powerful mix of protein, minerals, and vitamins: 100 g (1 cup) of pumpkin seeds provide 559 calories, 30 g of protein, plus folate, iron, niacin, selenium, and zinc.

Photo Attribution: Mr. Alliance/

Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Colds and Flu


When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really is the first line of defense. To keep your body's defense system--the immune system--in peak condition, follow my immunity-boosting tips to help your body fight off the bugs looking for a host. And, for times when you are feeling ill, the second set of tips can help ease your symptoms and support a quick recovery.

Cold & Flu Prevention Tips
Your immune system is at work 24/7! The best approach to supporting immune function is a healthy lifestyle that includes stress management, exercise, whole foods, nutritional supplementation, and the use of plant-based medicines. On a daily basis, you can take the following steps to help your immune system keep you healthy:

  1. Wash your hands regularly to help prevent transfer of bacteria.
  2. Stay clear of people sneezing or coughing. Avoid shaking hands or other close contact with anyone whom you know to be sick.
  3. Make sure your home and work space are well-ventilated. Even on a cold day, open a window for a few minutes to clear out stale air.
  4. Follow a consistent sleep/wake schedule so the immune system can repair and recover.
  5. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and veggies, which contain antioxidants that help the body neutralize cellular damage.

Healing Tips

  1. Rest. Sometimes the body's only way of getting your attention is to force you to slow down by getting sick. Don't push through fatigue. Honor your body and sleep/rest as needed to promote healing. Reduce activity at home and at work as much as possible.
  2. Increase fluid intake to include water, diluted vegetable juices, soups, and herbal and green teas.
  3. Eat light meals and eat more soup. Whether you choose a vegetarian broth or a heartier bone-broth, soups for healing should be loaded with a variety of herbs and veggies.
  4. Manage stress. Even just 10 minutes of meditation a day has positive effects on the immune system and promotes a positive mindset.
  5. Laugh--it truly is good medicine. Patch Adams was onto something when he brought humor to his patients' bedsides. Read a funny book. Watch stand-up comedy. Share jokes with a friend or your kids. Laughter lowers the stress hormones and elevates your mood--both are good for healing.

Vitamin, Mineral, and Botanical Support for the Immune System
There's no panacea, but a growing body of research has shown that certain vitamins, minerals, and plant-based supplements can help prevent/curtail the symptoms of colds and flu. Some that you may want to include are listed below. Talk to Dr. Bossio as these suggestions must be tailored to your specific needs and health status.

  • Multivitamin and mineral formula
  • Vitamin C
  • Bioflavonoids, 1000 mg/day
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D 
  • Zinc, 30 mg/day
  • Echinacea, elderberry, and astragalus (tea, capsule, or liquid extract) help prevent common cold and viral infections. Physician-scientists continue to study the immune-enhancing effects of these and other botanical remedies.

Image Attribution: Dirima/




Papayas are tropical fruits that are high in Vitamin C, providing over 300% of your daily need in one serving. They are also high in Vitamin A, making them a great nutrient-rich food for the skin. Papayas have other amazing health benefits as well that make them a summer super food. They are rich in antioxidants, carotenes, flavonoids, and minerals. Because they are high in fiber, it helps the body absorb the sugars they contain at a slower rate. They help promote the health of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, and provide protection against colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and macular degeneration. Because papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papain, it also helps aid in digestion and can reduce inflammation. To get more papaya in your diet consider eating it fresh, blending it in smoothies, or adding it to salads. Papaya seeds are edible, and some like their slightly peppery flavor but you do not have to eat the seeds to get the many health benefits of the fruit. Simply scoop them out and eat the Papaya like you would any other melon.


  • "Papaya". World's Healthiest Foods.
  • Rakhimov MR. Pharmacological study of papain from the papaya plant cultivated in Uzbekistan (Article in Russian). Eksp Klin Farmakol 2000 May-Jun;63(3):55-7. 2000.
  • Wood, Rebecca. The Whole Foods Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall Press; 1988. 1988. PMID:15220

Image Attribution: aladin66/

Parsley: More than Just a Garnish


Often thought of only as garnish for a pretty plate, parsley is a delicious, vibrant green herb with many culinary uses and health benefits. The seed, leaf, and root all can be used in preparation of foods, teas, and medicines. It is widely used in Mediterranean and Eastern European cuisine.
A member of the celery family, parsley is a biennial plant that contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits: volatile oils and flavonoids. The active mechanisms of the volatile oil components qualify parsley as a “chemoprotective” food, which means it can help neutralize certain carcinogens such as those found in cigarette smoke. Flavonoids have been shown to function in the body as antioxidants, which can prevent oxygen damage to cells.
Parsley is also a vitamin-dense herb. A one-half cup serving provides exceptional amounts of vitamins K, C, and A. In fact, it contains three times as much vitamin C as an orange! It also is rich in folate and has twice the iron of spinach for equivalent serving sizes.
Overall, because of its nutrient-rich antioxidant profile, parsley may offer health protective benefits for the cardiovascular system, joints, and digestive system. Medicinally, parsley has been used in both ancient times and as a complementary treatment for symptoms of urinary tract infection and upset stomach.
To reap the benefits of parsley in your diet, try:

  • sprinkling parsley into stews, casseroles, sauces, soups, and rice dishes;
  • adding raw parsley (stems and leaves) to salads;
  • blending raw parsley with other herbs and fruits to make a “green smoothie”; or
  • sprinkling atop fish in the last few moments of grilling.
  • Wash fresh parsley immediately before use; place in cold water, swish around, and then drain. Repeat until all dirt washes away. 


Image Attribution:  looby/

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)


An aromatic herb with roots in traditional French cooking, tarragon also boasts excellent health and therapeutic benefits.

Health Benefits

  • Tarragon is high in vitamins, including the vitamin A precursor beta-carotene, as well as potassium and other nutrients.
  • Its antioxidant properties help neutralize the effect of free radicals in the body.
  • Tarragon supports cardiovascular health and maintains the health of the female reproductive tract.

Therapeutic Benefits

  • High levels of eugenol make it an effective pain reliever, historically used to take the edge off of toothaches.
  • Some studies suggest that tarragon may help to increase appetite, which could be useful for those who have poor appetites due to age or illness.
  • It's an excellent digestive aid, traditionally used to improve natural digestion and eliminate intestinal worms--as well as relieve common digestive problems such as upset stomach, irritable bowels, and dyspepsia.

As a mild sedative, tarragon may help to relieve anxiety and stress, and work as a sleep aid.
To add a little extra health boost to your meals, try tarragon with vegetables such as artichokes, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, and salads; with meats such as chicken, rabbit, fish, shellfish, and lobster; or best of all in sauces such as béarnaise sauce.

Even though tarragon is generally safe for regular use as a culinary herb, the appropriate therapeutic dosage will vary based upon age, overall health, and medical conditions. People with a liver condition should only use tarragon at therapeutic levels under the supervision of a doctor. When considering using tarragon, it is best to consult with Dr. Bossio to discuss if tarragon is right for you.


  • Herb Wisdom. "Tarragon Benefits." Accessed January 2014.
  • Natural Standard. "Tarragon." Professional Monograph. 2015.
  • Pérez-Rosés, R., E. Risco, R. Vila, P. Peñalver, and S. Canigueral. "Effect of Some Essential Oils on Phagocytosis and Complement System Activity." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Published electronically January 19, 2015. PubMed PMID: 25599399.

Image Attribution: kostrez/


Swiss Chard

swiss chard

Despite its name, Swiss chard is not actually Swiss. In fact, it is native to the Mediterranean region and dates back to at least the fourth century B.C., when it was prized by the ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, for its medicinal properties. A leafy green vegetable, Swiss chard boasts an exceptionally impressive variety and concentration of health-promoting minerals and nutrients, including vitamins C, E, A and K, manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, fiber and protein. It is also an excellent source of phytonutrients, including a variety of some three dozen or more carotenoids and flavonoids, evident in the vibrant red, purple and yellow pigments of chard's stalks and veins. On the whole, this "superfood" offers extensive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, supports the nervous system, eye and bone health, helps prevent oxidative stress and helps regulate blood sugar in a variety of ways. Studies of Swiss chard have revealed this vegetable's unique blood-sugar regulating benefit, which comes from one of its premiere flavonoids, syringic acid.  This compound inhibits the enzyme alpha-glucosidase from breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars. For tips on how to select and store and cook with Swiss chard, visit World's Healthiest Foods.


Swiss Chard. The World's Healthiest Foods.

Image Attribution: salsachica/

The Flu Vaccine and Your Family

flu vaccine

In preparation for flu season, conventional methods of dealing with the virus are beginning to hit the market. The most notable and one of the most controversial is the flu vaccine. Every year, a new vaccine is formulated with 3 strains of flu viruses that researchers have determined are to be the most prevalent. The Center for Disease Control recommends that everyone over the age of 6 receive a flu shot, but especially the elderly, those with chronic illnesses, and those with a weakened immune system.

But is the flu vaccine really right for your family? The CDC says the vaccine doesn't work in every case. In fact, there are two factors that determine its effectiveness. First, a person's state of health is a factor. Those with healthy immune systems will respond better to the vaccine. Second, its effectiveness is also determined by what strains of the virus are included in the formulation. The flu vaccine targets only the three most prevalent strains of flu but there are actually many other types of viruses that circulate during flu season that can bring on similar symptoms. So depending on how healthy you are and what viruses circulate in your area, the CDC states, "it's possible that no benefit from flu vaccination may be observed." In addition, very few studies have been conducted of the safety of flu vaccines as new formulas are developed. In fact, there are disturbing reports of adverse effects of flu vaccines, especially for pregnant women. Also, very few longitudinal studies been conducted to determine the long-term effect of vaccine use. Essentially, the fact is that our public health policy has embraced a form of flu prevention that they cannot guarantee is safe or effective.

That's why Naturopathic Medicine focuses on strengthening the body's immune system as a standard flu prevention method. Naturopathic Doctors know that boosting a person's health is the single most effective way to prevent disease in the body. Not only is it safe to enhance the body's immunity, but it is an effective method for preventing infection from ALL the viruses that circulate during flu season, not just the three most common. That's why, unlike the advocates of flu vaccines, Naturopathic Doctors can guarantee that immune-boosting preventive medicine is both safe and effective for every member of your family. There are also no negative side effects, and the positive side effects include having more energy and feeling better in general.

Whatever you decide to do for your family, everyone can benefit from the following tips to fight the flu naturally:

•  Basic Hygiene.  Wash hands frequently, especially after visiting public places. Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.

•  Get More Sleep.  Not getting proper rest can put unnecessary stress on the body and lower immunity. Get at least 8 hours of high-quality sleep each night, and rest more when you feel under the weather. Sleep is when your body repairs itself.

•  Eat a Whole Food Diet.  Minimize refined sugar and flour in diet; avoid processed foods, eat colorful vegetables, proteins (fish & fowl, starchy legumes, nuts & seeds), fruits, whole grains.  

•  Increase Vitamin C.  Eat foods such as kiwi, grapes, strawberries, and oranges to give your body an antioxidant and immune boost. You may also want to add supplemental vitamin C to your regimen.  Speak with Dr. Bossio about the appropriate dose for you as this can range from 250mg to 6000mg per day.

•  Increase Vitamin A.  Vitamin A helps maintain the health and integrity of the mucous membranes, so foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and kale can also help stave off the flu.

•  Increase Vitamin E.  It can help boost immunity and enables T-cells to fight infection. E rich foods include almonds, sunflower seeds, butter and egg yolks.

•  Increase Zinc.  Zinc is extremely important during cold and flu season because many immune cells require zinc for optimal function. To increase zinc in your diet, try eating more Crimini mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and spinach. Other good sources include asparagus, chard, scallops, lamb, beef, maple syrup, shrimp, green peas, yogurt, oats, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, turkey, miso, and spelt.  You may also consider supplementing with Zinc lozenges.

•  Supplement Vitamin D.  Japanese researchers have shown that school aged children taking 1200 IU of Vitamin D per day had a 42% lower risk of contracting the flu than children taking a placebo. Vitamin D has increasingly been shown to be one of the most effective ways to prevent illness.  The appropriate dose of vitamin D should be determined based on your blood level.  If this has not already been evaluated speak with Dr. Bossio about doing so.

•  Probiotics.  Probiotics are best known for their role in digestive health, but science shows they are powerful components of immune system health as well. Since 60% of our immune cells are located in the digestive tract it makes sense that keeping those cells functioning well is important for staying healthy. Adding a probiotic to your daily supplement regimen can help optimize your health this fall and winter season.  Speak with Dr. Bossio to determine which probiotic is right for you.

•  Drink Herbal Tea. Herbal teas such as red clover, echinacea, elderberry, lemon and honey, or other commercially available cold/flu formulas can help fortify the body's immune system. Also, green tea is high in antioxidants and can help strengthen T-cells (the body's primary defense against infections).

•  Homeopathic Flu Vaccine.  A homeopathic flu vaccine is similar to conventional vaccines, only without the harmful additives, preservatives, and side effects. Homeopathic flu (Influenzinum) uses infinitesimal doses of flu strains to stimulate your body's vital force to offer protection from invading pathogens.


Photo credit. Free Digital Photos.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013. Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?. Retrieved 21 August 2013 from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013. Who Should Get Vaccinated Against Influenza Retrieved 21 August 2013 from

Alan Casseis. 2012. Eminence vs. Evidence.

Dearing, S. 2010. Medical reviews conclude influenza immunizations ineffective. Digital Journal. Retrieved 25 October 2010 from

England, C. 2010. Thousands of USA pregnant women miscarry after the H1N1 vaccine. American Chronicle. Retrieved 20 October 2010 from www.americanchronicle/articles/view/188385

Urashima, M., Segawa, T., Okazaki, M., Kurihara, M., Wada, Y., and Ida, H. 2010. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza in schoolchildren. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 91(5) 1255-60.