Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)


A popular ingredient for giving a kick to salsa and other dishes, Cayenne has numerous health benefits including reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing pain and inflammation, providing relief for heartburn, moderating blood sugar level, and helping to break down carbohydrates during digestion. All of that is due to a potent chemical, capsaicin, found in the thin skin surrounding the seeds.

Cayenne (capsaicin) supplements have been studied for their ability to curb appetite, increase resting metabolic rate (turn-up your metabolism), and stimulate the breakdown of fats for energy. Short-term studies (12 weeks or less) with athletes, individuals who are of average weight, and those who are obese have shown cayenne does raise metabolism by about an extra 50 calories burned per day. In one to two years, if you did nothing else special with your diet and exercise routine, you'd lose a little weight.

Other studies have looked at different amounts of capsaicin taken and how it is prescribed (ex., taken before, during or after a meal) plus a person's general health status. Capsaicin has an affect on how full a person feels (satiety) before, during, and after a meal as well as food choices people make. (The latter, scientists think, has to do with how cayenne supplements are digested). The amount of capsaicin taken, to a certain point, also affects the amount of change in metabolism and the effect on appetite. A holistic health practitioner can best determine the amount of capsaicin that will help you with your weight loss or other health goals.

A capsaicin supplement is a great way to support your metabolism when you are trying to lose weight but it's not a "miracle diet pill." You still need to follow an overall healthy diet and consistently participate in an exercise program.

Image Attribution: karich/

Amla: Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis)


Indian Gooseberry is an unusual, translucent fruit found in shades of yellow, green, red, or black. Berries may be perfectly round or oval and elongated and contain abundant, tiny edible seeds. The flavor ranges from tart and sweet to moderately sour.
Gooseberry is abundant in vitamin-C, and contains B-vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and beta carotene. A powerful antioxidant, Amla helps prevent and repair damage caused to cells by free radicals. Two other compounds in Amla, flavones and anthocyanins are noted for their beneficial health effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

In Ayurvedic Medicine, both dried and fresh Gooseberry fruits are used alone or in combination with other plants to support health and treat a variety of medical conditions. Some of the many health benefits or effects include:

  • Fortifies the liver and helps flush toxins from the body
  • Balances stomach acid
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Healing ulcers
  • Supports heart health
  • Manages fever, coughs, bronchitis or asthma

Gooseberry is of interest to researchers and health practitioners for its role in managing diabetes, prevention and treatment of certain cancers and heart disease, and its protective effect on brain health. In fact, several researchers revealed that various extracts and herbal formulations of Amla have potential therapeutic benefits and the results are similar to standard drugs. It's important to consult with Dr. Bossio to determine the right amount of an Amla supplement.
Look for Indian Gooseberry in international grocery stores and enjoy the fruit as part of a healthy diet.

Image Attribution: voraorn/

Sleep: Essential for Mind-Body Health


Adults and children alike are spending more time awake late at night to study, work, or have fun. All those late nights may be slowly killing us. More than 20 years of research shows us that sleep is vitally important to physical and mental health.

Most of what we know about sleep and health comes from studies of what happens to the mind and body when we don't sleep enough, or at all. In animal and human studies, living without sleep for even a few months resulted in death. Sleeping fewer than 8 hours a night on a regular basis is associated with increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke, depression, colds and flu, and obesity.

While We Are Sleeping...

Sleep affects brain chemistry and has an important role in the functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. During sleep we develop and reinforce neural pathways involved in memory, learning, and emotion. New research suggests sleep helps flush toxins from the brain.

While we are sleeping, the body manufactures hormones that repair damage caused by stress and the environment in which we work and play. Growth hormone cleanses the liver, builds muscle, breaks down fat, and helps normalize blood sugar. We also produce hormones that help fight infections. If we aren't getting sufficient sleep, we get sick more often and take longer to recover. Lack of sleep increases inflammation, which is has been linked to heart disease and stroke.

Skimping on shut-eye is linked with obesity in adults and children. Lack of sleep interferes with the levels of ghrelin and leptin, metabolic hormones that signal when you're hungry and when you're full.

The amount of sleep you need varies based on age, activity level, quality of sleep, and genetics (e.g., some of us really are night owls). Infants typically require 14-15 hours of sleep per 24-hour period; young children about 12 hours; teens about 9 hours, and most adults 7-9 hours. A general rule of thumb for determining your sleep requirement: If you do not wake feeling refreshed, you may not be getting enough sleep.

Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

  1. In the sack for sleep and sex only. Regular sex can improve sleep quality so don't use your time between the sheets to deal with daily hassles--take that outside of the bedroom (or record in a journal). If you don't feel sleepy, leave the room and do something relaxing until you feel drowsy, (see my Natural Therapies for Sound Sleep in this newsletter). Then, go back to bed.
  2. Set a sleep schedule. This includes a soothing pre-sleep routine, such as a warm bath, reading or gentle yoga. Go to bed and wake at the same time each day. This entrains your body rhythms, making it easier to fall asleep. If you need a nap, get it in before 5:00 PM; limit to 20 minutes.
  3. Surround yourself with cave-like ambiance. A sleeping space should be quiet, dark, and cool (between 60-72°). If you do shift-work, use blackout shades or an eye mask. Remove electronic devices, computers and TVs from your room. Research shows that use of digital devices within an hour of bedtime has a negative effect on sleep quality.
  4. Let the light in early and exercise regularly. Natural light helps regulates hormones that promote ideal sleep-wake patterns. Open the curtains as early as possible and get outdoors during the day. Also, exercise during the day or early evening makes it easier to fall asleep and increases the amount of deep sleep obtained.
  5. Eat a Light, Last Meal of the Day. A light dinner eaten 2-3 hours before sleep is ideal. A full stomach interferes with sleep as the body works at digestion. Steer clear of spicy or fatty foods that can cause heartburn. If you need a bedtime snack, combine a carbohydrate and protein, such as almond butter on toast, Greek yogurt with granola, or hummus and veggies. Avoid products containing caffeine, sugar or nicotine as their effects can last several hours.

Are You Sleep Deprived?

You don't have to pull "all-nighters" to become sleep deprived. A sleep debt of just 1-2 hours a few nights a week can affect your health and performance.To become fully well-rested and regain energy after a sleep debt, get an extra hour of sleep each night for one week.

If you experience any of the following signs of sleep deprivation, talk to Dr. Bossio about natural approaches to getting your sleep back on track.

  • Daytime drowsiness; fatigue
  • Poor memory; difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulty dealing with stress
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension; impaired vision
  • Increase in accidents or clumsiness

Image Attribution: Phase4Photography/


Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus)


Sometimes referred to as Siberian ginseng, eleuthero is not a true ginseng at all. Like Asian and American ginseng varieties, eleuthero is thought to stimulate the immune system and help to lower blood sugar levels. It has traditionally been used to prevent colds and flu, support cognition and alertness, and to increase energy, longevity, and vitality. Eleuthero is an "adaptogen," which is thought to help the body cope with either mental or physical stress. Unlike true ginsengs however, eleuthero has different active ingredients, including eleutherosides and polysaccharides. Eleuthero root is woody, brownish, wrinkled and twisted, and is available as liquid / solid extracts, powders, capsules, tablets, and as dried or cut root for tea. It is often combined with other herbs and supplements to treat fatigue and cultivate alertness. Similar to other herbs like rhodiola, licorice, ginkgo, ashwagandha and Holy Basil, eleuthero may help manage cortisol distribution in the body and benefit adrenal health. Although this herb is generally considered safe, it could trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements or medications. Be sure to talk to Dr. Bossio before taking eleuthero.


Siberian ginseng. University of Maryland Medical Center.

Eleutherococcus senticosus. NYU Langone Medical Center.

Image Attribution: Barbulat/

Supplements for Healthy Blood Sugar

The blood sugar balance is a delicate endeavor. Both high and low blood sugar levels can result in potentially fatal reactions in the body. If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy blood sugar level, there are a number of supplements available that can help stabilize and even lower blood sugar. Chromium (from chromium picolinate), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vanadium and Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia), are just a few.

Chromium is an essential mineral that may enhance the body's sensitivity to insulin, the hormone which helps move glucose from the blood into the body's cells for use as energy. Some studies suggest that chromium supplements may reduce blood glucose levels and the amount of insulin needed in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Chromium may also help with weight loss and muscle building. It is commercially available in several forms and included in many multivitamins.

Alpha-lipoic acid - sometimes referred to simply as lipoic acid - is an antioxidant that is made by the body and found in cells, where it helps turn glucose into energy. Its ability to kill free radicals may help people with symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. Alpha-lipoic acid passes easily into the brain and may offer protection for the brain and nerve tissue.

Vanadium is an essential trace mineral found in soil and in many foods. Research suggests that vanadium may lower blood glucose, reducing the need for insulin in people with diabetes. Vanadyl sulfate is a form of Vanadium often used for such purposes.

Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia), is a member of the same family as squash, watermelon, cantaloupes and cucumber. This plant contains polypeptide-P, a substance which has been shown to lower blood glucose in people with diabetes. In addition, it contains a compound called charantin which increases glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in the cells of the liver, muscle and adipose tissue. It is believed that these two compounds along with all the other phyto-nutrients (carotenes, lutein, zea-xanthin, vitamin C, folate, vitamin A, fiber and minerals) contained in Bitter Melon, make it an exellent addition to the diet for anyone at risk of or diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance or diabetes.  

Stabilizing and lowering blood sugar is tricky business. The process is highly individualized and supplements may negatively react with other supplements and medications, making this a very important thing for you to discuss with Dr. Bossio before beginning or changing a therapy that can affect your blood sugar levels.


Alpha Lipoic-Acid. University of Maryland Medical Center.

Chromium. University of Maryland Medical Center.

Diabetes. University of Maryland Medical Center.

Bitter Melon. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Image Attribution: Torsakarin/

Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre)


Used in many fields of medicine, Gymnema is native to parts of India as well as tropical Africa and Australia. Natural healing modalities often employ the plant as a tea, for its potent anti-diabetic properties. Now, initial modern research suggests that Gymnema may also be useful in preventing and treating obesity.

The plant's active compound - a group of "gymnemic acids" - work to help curb diabetes by blocking sugar from accumulating in the body. Similarly, they help fight obesity by delaying glucose absorption, and blocking the binding of carbohydrates in the intestine. Essentially, this means that gymnemic acids may be helpful in warding off so-called "empty calories."  Additionally, gymnemic acids prevent the activation of sugar molecules by the tongue, curbing sugar cravings. Finally, they prevent the absorption of sugar molecules by the intestine, which can help to lower blood sugar levels.

Research has shown that Gymnema leaf extract can impact diabetes by stimulating the pancreas to increase the release of insulin. More study is needed, but current hypotheses suggest that Gymnema may prove useful in both adult onset and juvenile diabetes mellitus. Gymnema leaves have also been noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. When considering Gymnema treatments for any ailment, it is important to consult Dr. Bossio.


Photo credit. "Gymnema sylvestre" by Vinayaraj - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Gymnema sylvestre: A Memoir. National Center for Biotechnology Information. J Clin Biochem Nutr. Sep 2007; 41(2): 77-81. Published online Aug 29, 2007. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.2007010.

Image Attribution: Vinayaraj/

Walking for Health


Walking is one of the things that distinguishes man from all other animals, and some 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates even referred to walking as man's best medicine. Modern research has shown that walking, which is considered moderate exercise, is highly beneficial for overall health and carries less risk of injury than intense aerobic exercises such as running. In fact, research shows that walking may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by some 31% in both men and women. Such protection has been shown at distances of just 5½ miles per week and at a pace as casual as about 2 miles per hour. Of course, walking longer distances, walking at a faster pace, or both will enhance cardiac protection. Studies have also shown that walking can lower the risk of cardiac diseases, heart attack, stroke and even death, in both men and women. Better still, for people already suffering from heart disease, research has shown that walking for 30 minutes, three times a week, can help reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 26%. And walking is multi-purpose! It helps improve cholesterol, blood pressure, vascular stiffness and inflammation, and mental stress, in addition to helping protect against dementia, depression, diabetes, obesity, colon cancer and even erectile dysfunction.
Walking is one exercise that is easier to integrate into your daily lifestyle than you may think. Depending on your living situation, you can walk to work and to the store, or any other nearby destination.  For many of us, however, driving is an unavoidable part of everyday life.  If you must drive, park farther away than you normally would and walk to your destination. You can also break up your day and benefit your health with a short walk at lunchtime.
When you first start walking for health, you may want to keep track of your distance. Pedometers are an easy step-tracking product that range in price based on the bells and whistles they include. In general, begin with routes that are well within your distance range and begin at a modest pace for you. As your fitness level increases, you'll be able to extend your distances and increase your speed, and even add in challenges such as hilled terrain and timed interval training. To stay motivated, walk with a friend, listen to music, podcasts or even books on tape - anything to help you feel like you're using your time wisely, and not sacrificing one activity for another. As a rough guide, the current standards suggest able-bodied adults complete moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days per week, compared to intense exercise for 20 minutes, three days per week. As with any new exercise plan, you should consult Dr. Bossio before beginning.


Walking: Your steps to health. Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School.

Image Attribution: dolgachov/