physical exams

Phys­i­cal Exams

Dr. Bossio pro­vides yearly phys­i­cals for men and women, PAP smears and pelvic exams, well child checks (all ages), as well as school and sports phys­i­cals (ages 6 and up).

holistic pediatric care

Pedi­atric Care

Dr. Bossio offers nat­ural treat­ments for com­mon child­hood ill­nesses. It has been her expe­ri­ence that chil­dren respond extremely well to nat­ural med­i­cine and ben­e­fit pro­foundly from devel­op­ing healthy eat­ing and lifestyle habits early on. Dr. Bossio pro­vides fam­i­lies with a wealth of infor­ma­tion so they can make healthy choices on top­ics rang­ing from nutri­tion and infant food intro­duc­tions to vaccinations .

Acute healthcare

Acute Healthcare

Same day vis­its typically avail­able for acute care needs.  To address acute con­di­tions Dr. Bossio uti­lizes herbal med­i­cine and home­o­pathic remedies.