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How long are office vis­its?
First vis­its are typ­i­cally a 60-90 minutes and return vis­its are 30–60 minutes.

How often do we meet?
The frequency of appointments varies based on the condition being treated.  Most commonly though, Dr. Bossio will see you for a follow up appointment 1 month after your initial visit, and then possibly every 2-3 months until your condition is resolved or stable.  For patients with ongoing concerns, Dr. Bossio may continue to manage care as long as patients are evaluated once every two years.

Does Dr. Bossio treat babies and kids?
Yes. Dr. Bossio treats all ages from infants to adults.

Does Dr. Bossio take insur­ance?
No, but most insur­ance com­pa­nies will reim­burse “out-of-network” for ser­vices that are ren­dered. At your appoint­ment, Dr. Bossio will pro­vide you with a state­ment con­tain­ing all of the infor­ma­tion needed to sub­mit to your insur­ance com­pany. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions about this process Dr. Bossio will be happy to answer them for you.

Does Dr. Bossio accept credit cards?
Yes, Dr. Bossio accepts Visa, Mas­ter­Card, Discover, and American Express.

What is Dr. Bossio's cancellation Policy?
Cancelling or rescheduling a New Patient appointment requires two full business days’ notice.  Cancelling or rescheduling without proper notice will result in a late fee of $75.  Cancelling or rescheduling a follow up appointment requires one full business day.  Cancelling or rescheduling a follow up appointment without proper notice will result in a charge of $50.

Does Dr. Bossio offer phone con­sults for patients?
Yes, after an ini­tial visit in the office, phone con­sults are are avail­able when an in-office visit is not nec­es­sary for diag­nos­tic pur­poses.  Whether or not this is an option is deter­mined on an indi­vid­ual basis.

Does Dr. Bossio pre­scribe phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals?
No. Dr. Bossio pre­scribes all nat­ural ther­a­pies includ­ing nutri­tional sup­ple­ments, herbal med­i­cines and home­o­pathic reme­dies. Dur­ing your course of treat­ment with Dr. Bossio your need for pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions may dimin­ish. As you get health­ier, Dr. Bossio may advise that you speak with your M.D. about adjust­ing the dose or type of med­ica­tion you are taking.

How do I get the herbs/supplements that Dr. Bossio pre­scribes?
Dr. Bossio car­ries the major­ity of herbs/supplements that she pre­scribes in the office. She car­ries only the high­est qual­ity, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal grade prod­ucts. In some cases, Dr. Bossio may rec­om­mend a prod­uct that you can pick up at a local health food store, but many of the brands she car­ries are sold only through doc­tors and other health care practitioners. For those who live far from the office, we are happy to package and ship your med­ica­tions upon request.  

We recognize that some patients prefer the convenience of online ordering. In order to ensure that these patients receive high quality, safe supplements, Dr. Bossio has contracted with several industry-leading online distributors.  Lean more on our Supplement Orders page.

What are the Office Hours?
We have both Patient and Gen­eral Office hours detailed on our Office Hours Page