Botanical Medicine

Botanical Medicine

Also known as herbal or plant-based med­i­cine, botanical medicine is the use of the med­i­c­i­nal prop­er­ties of plants to assist the body’s nat­ural heal­ing mech­a­nisms. These med­i­c­i­nal prop­er­ties can be used to treat both acute and chronic ill­nesses.  Dr. Bossio cre­ates indi­vid­u­al­ized herbal reme­dies to meet each patient’s spe­cific needs.


Clinical Nutrition

Clinical Nutrition

Good nutrition is a vital part of optimal health. Through dietary counseling and therapeutic supplementation Dr. Bossio will address underlying nutritional deficiencies and work towards restoring optimal health. Dr. Bossio utilizes only the highest quality natural supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease.




Home­opa­thy is a gen­tle yet effec­tive holis­tic heal­ing sys­tem that has been prac­ticed world­wide for over 200 years.  Dr. Bossio uti­lizes both acute and con­sti­tu­tional home­o­pathic reme­dies to treat dis­ease on an ener­getic level.


Lifestyle counseling

Lifestyle Counseling

 We all know that a healthy diet, exer­cise, and stress man­age­ment are essen­tial to well-being but often can not find the time or moti­va­tion to imple­ment good habits. Dr. Bossio pro­vides cus­tomized guid­ance for lifestyle mod­i­fi­ca­tions that will dra­mat­i­cally impact your abil­ity to enjoy life, and help you cre­ate habits that max­i­mize long-term health.