Dr. Bossio uti­lizes both con­ven­tional and func­tional lab­o­ra­tory test­ing.  When con­ven­tional labs fall short in iden­ti­fy­ing the under­ly­ing cause of dis­ease, Dr. Bossio looks to more func­tional assessment.

Lab Tests

Conventional Labs

Dr. Bossio rou­tinely orders con­ven­tional labs - those typically used by MDs - to assess basic organ func­tion, thy­roid func­tion, cho­les­terol and other car­dio­vas­cu­lar risk fac­tors, blood sugar, autoim­mune sta­tus, inflam­ma­tion, and more.


Food allergies and sensitivities

Food Allergy & Sensitivity Test­s

Dr. Bossio has found that food aller­gies and sen­si­tiv­i­ties are con­tribut­ing fac­tors to many  patients’ health con­cerns. Unfor­tu­nately, many peo­ple who are sen­si­tive to foods are unaware of it because their symp­toms may be delayed for sev­eral hours or even up to a cou­ple of days after inges­tion.  For this rea­son Dr. Bossio uti­lizes IgG food sen­si­tiv­ity test­ing to help patients iden­tify spe­cific foods that may be con­tribut­ing to their symp­toms.  This test can be done through a sim­ple blood draw at Dr. Bossio’s office and will exam­ine a panel of 96 dif­fer­ent foods.


Lyme and tick diseases

Lyme & Tick Borne Disease Testing

 Dr. Bossio offers both stan­dard and spe­cial­ized Lyme dis­ease test­ing.  In addi­tion to the stan­dard ELISA, West­ern Blot, and PCR tests, Dr. Bossio often uti­lizes expanded west­ern blot pan­els, exten­sive co-infection test­ing, immune mark­ers and cytokine test­ing, as well other spe­cial­ized tick-borne dis­ease labs (i.e. Igenex, Phar­masan, and more).


Neurotransmiter testing

Neu­ro­trans­mit­ter Test­ing

Neu­ro­trans­mit­ters are the chem­i­cal sig­nals in our ner­vous sys­tem that affect our mood, energy, atten­tion, cog­ni­tion, and sleep.   Imbal­ances in our neu­ro­trans­mit­ters can lead to symp­toms such as anx­i­ety, depres­sion, insom­nia, atten­tion deficit, fatigue, headaches, and more.   Through a urine test, Dr. Bossio can gain insight into the spe­cific neu­ro­trans­mit­ter imbal­ances one may suf­fer and tar­get one’s nat­ural ther­a­pies accordingly.


Gastrointestinal testing

Gas­troin­testi­nal Test­ing

While Dr. Bossio uti­lizes a vari­ety of diges­tive analy­sis, she most com­monly uses a com­pre­hen­sive stool analy­sis.  This test eval­u­ates diges­tion and absorp­tion, bac­te­r­ial bal­ance and metab­o­lism, par­a­sitol­ogy, yeast and immune sta­tus for patients with irri­ta­ble bowel syn­drome, indi­ges­tion, mal­ab­sorp­tion, and other GI-related prob­lems. In addi­tion, Dr. Bossio often uti­lizes spe­cial­ized breath test­ing to eval­u­ate for Small Intesti­nal Bac­te­r­ial Over­growth (SIBO), lac­tose intol­er­ance, fruc­tose intol­er­ance, and more.


Hormone testing

Hor­mone Bal­ance Eval­u­ation

With an under­stand­ing that hor­mones are mes­sen­gers in the body affect­ing nearly all sys­tems, it becomes clear that iden­ti­fy­ing and treat­ing under­ly­ing hor­mone imbal­ances is essen­tial to long term health.  For this rea­son, Dr. Bossio rou­tinely eval­u­ates hor­mone lev­els in both men and women.   Hormone testing may include evaluation of thyroid and adrenal function, sex and reproductive hormones, metabolic hormones, and more.  Dr. Bossio uti­lizes a com­bi­na­tion of blood, urine, and saliva testing.


Nutritional Analysis

Nutritional Analysis (NutrEval)

Dr. Bossio utilizes the NutrEval test to provide a comprehensive nutritional evaluation identifying specific imbalances of vitamins, nutrients and essential co-factors.  This profile also provides assessment of gastrointestinal dysfunction and detoxification impairment.  Through blood and urine specimens the panel assesses Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Nutrient and Toxic Elements, and Oxidative Stress.


Genetic testing

Genetic Testing

Dr. Bossio evaluates genetic variations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), in genes that modulate methylation and detoxification pathways.  Dr. Bossio most commonly tests for variations in the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) and COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase) genes, but will provide additional genetic testing when appropriate.


Micronutrient testing

Micronu­tri­ent Testing

The Spec­tra­Cell micronu­tri­ent test pro­vides an accu­rate assess­ment of the func­tional nutri­ent level of white blood cells.  This test eval­u­ates vit­a­mins, min­er­als, antiox­i­dants, and essen­tial amino acids show­ing a three-six month win­dow of nutri­tional sta­tus.  For more infor­ma­tion please click here.